State Level Technical Committee

The State Level Technical Committee shall be constituted to

Develop criteria for empanelment for Doctors and institutions. Give technical advice to KSSM and Government in the implementation of the scheme from time to time. Recommend standards and specification for insulin preparations, glucometer, insulin pump, CGMs or any other drug, device or equipments required as part of the project. Will be responsible for the selection of beneficiaries of the project after scrutinising the applications and relevant reports based on the inclusion criteria. The technical committee shall also prioritise the cases, if demand over shoot the supply, based on technical aspect and on balance of convenience.
Executive Director, KSSM will be the convener of the committee, other members are

  • Director, Indian Institute of Diabetes, Kerala.

  • State Nodal Officer, NCD program, Directorate of Health Services, Kerala.

  • Two Paediatrician from Government Medical College in Kerala, not below the rank of Assistant Professor.

  • One physician/paediatrician from private specialised in managing Diabetes Mellitus.

  • The committee is empowered to invite other experts for technical advice if required.

The state level technical committee may also call up on the child/adolescent with their parent/ guardian if required, for making appropriate decision.